NFL News

Photo Gallery of Cowboys RB Marion Barber

The first man wasn’t bringing him down. Often times the second and third man weren’t going to be able to get it down, either, unless they arrived at the same time. No, Marion Barber III was not an easy guy to stop. His career with the Dallas Cowboys was filled with exciting plays representing the exciting spirit that emanated from Barber, a former Minnesota Golden Gopher.

Barber’s style as a runner was unique. Some will say he was a predecessor to Marshawn Lynch, but Barber may have had more shiftiness to his game. He was a throwback. A power runner who thrived on punishment but also capable of escaping difficult spots where quickness was more paramount. His death, discovered Wednesday is certainly a sad note to Cowboys Nation.

During the Tony Romo era, Barber established himself as one of the league’s best bludgeoning weapons. He led the team in rushing touchdowns with 14 in his second season and made the Pro Bowl in 2007 when he became a receiving threat out of the backfield. This was all before he was named a starter in 2008.

In all, Barber totaled 4,358 rushing yards with the Cowboys and a whopping 47 ground scores in just six seasons, while adding 174 receptions under head coaches Bill Parcells, Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett. He played one final season in Chicago before retiring.

Barber’s hard-hitting style led to a remarkable number of 24 jerseys sprinkled throughout the crowd and anywhere someone found Cowboys fans in the 00s decade.  His aggressive nature made him many fans’ favorite player. Here are a handful of photos to help jog the memory of just how special he was on the field and how much fun he had while playing football with his brethren.

Rest in Peace, Marion Barber III.

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