NFL News

Zac Taylor Press Conference Transcripts

“That wraps up our six picks. We started out with eight and traded up using two of those picks and came out with six guys that we really feel good about — guys that really give us some good spots for depth, competition. All the guys that we’ve added, again, are about the right stuff intangibly. From their personal character (to their) football character, those are all the things that we strive (for) and we feel that we added a really good mix of players that fit that mold that we’re looking for. I’m excited to get to know these guys a lot better over these next couple weeks. They’ll report here in two weeks and start when the rookies start here, in two Mondays from now, so we’ll be excited to get them in the building and mix them up with our veterans and get going from there.”

It seemed like some of the core things valued in this draft for you were, especially in the back end, speed, and in other spots, versatility. Was that a coincidence or a core tenet going into this draft?


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