OFFICIAL: Ohio State Signs big time playmaker 4⭐️ SAF Jayden Bonsu
Bonsu is a great athlete out of New Jersey and is looking to make a big impact on Ohio States Secondary
This guy can play Welcome @JaydenBonsu— Recruiting Edits (@614EditzDSGN) December 22, 2022
Breaking It All Down
Jayden Bonsu has outstanding size and a great frame to add at least 15 more pounds of muscle to his current 6-foot, 200-pound frame. Bonsu was used all over the field in high school and that versatility should allow him to see the field sooner because of his ability to line up in the box, cover slot receivers, or play the centerfield role as a deep safety.
Bonsu is a well-rounded safety who plays with ideal aggressiveness when attacking passes, which results in many deflections and ball carriers, which results in few missed tackles. Bonsu’s tape is eye-catching because he wastes no movement and immediately finds the ball. There are few plays that end with him not being involved with the scrum. He is a sure-fire playmaker who can erase a defender for an entire game.
Bring Jayden Bonsu to Miami
— Marsh Cristobal🤟🏽 (@hurricanesmarsh) July 22, 2022
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